Monday, 24 June 2013

My Burgerlicious Booty!

I don’t mind winter all that much. I like to think it gives me an excuse to stay on the couch, drink hot chocolate and indulge in a bit of a carbo-overload. It got me thinking as to what my favourite food is. It’s not an easy question, in fact ,it’s damn hard!

I’m quite a foodie. You name it, I like it. Thai, Pizza, Italian, Chinese, Greek, Moroccan, Indian and Middle Eastern all rate quite highly. However, it may be the Aussie in me, but I keep coming back to the same thing. A burger and chips!! Simple, but oh sooooo delicious.
I must admit, I like my burgers with cheese, bacon and beetroot. Oh...and thick, homestyle chips are the best. So divine!!
I even try to tell myself they are healthy. Well.....they can’t be that bad now, can they? Sure they have some carbs, but there IS meat and salad. Cheese is calcium, although the only bit which may be in question is the bacon. Yeh, I’ll admit, that is the fatty bit, although if you cut the fat off then no problems, right?

I was recently in Hawaii and my ultimate favourite restaurant is Cheeseburgers in Paradise. The name says it all. Lots of burgerliciousness and well....Hawaii is paradise! I frequented there several times. I especially loved their sweet potato fries. I think I even started to develop a burgerlicious booty!!
But you know, my dribble is well and good, however the most important question needs to be asked....

Tell me about your favourite burger! Toppings, sauces and chips....
Where can you get the best burgers around??
Jen xoxo


  1. mmmmm, I have been craving a good burger for weeks, I am going to have to indulge soon!!

    1. I grant you permission to indulge!! Go for it :)

  2. That looks so yummy. Agree that thick, home style chips are the best, not fries! And that Cheeseburgers In Paradise place sounds awesome. Enjoy your carb overload. x

    1. Oh Ness...if you get to go to Hawaii, Cheeseburgers in Paradise is a MUST!! I don't think I can write anymore, home style chips are a callin'......

  3. I can hardly look at this post. Having a few health issues means I'm on fluids at the moment. Not fun.

    1. Not good Ms Case. Take care of you and rest up. xoxoxo
