Monday, 17 June 2013

Age is only a number

I spent the day with my grandmother on Saturday. It was her 91st birthday. She looks good for her age. She has always looked after her skin and stayed out of the sun. She was a yoga lover and has passed this passion onto me.
My dad, auntie and I took her out for lunch to celebrate. As we were eating away, Nanna asked me if I would take her to Yoga with me. I nearly choked! I bluntly said, “no”. She then said defiantly she would take herself. I then explained that she hadn’t done yoga for years. About 20 to be exact. I also explained that no instructor would teach her as their insurance wouldn’t cover it.

I did admire Nanna. After two knee reconstructions, being legally blind and at the age of 91, she wants to do Yoga. Clearly her mind is strong and willing. But her body simply isn’t?
Every day of our lives we age just a little bit more. But it’s only a number. It shouldn’t define whether we can or can’t do something. It shouldn’t mean we are supposed to have done something or be at a certain point. It is simply a number which quite factually tells us how many years we have been on this earth.
I get frustrated when people state their age and then loudly complain of all the pains and aches as if they should have those given their age. If you let your age be a mental roadblock you’ll miss out on being in the moment. You’ll miss out on having fun.

As we travel along our life journey, we need to take what experiences are given to us, enjoy them and learn from them. Age doesn’t define where we should be or what we should be doing. We just need to do whatever makes us happy at whatever point that is. Sometimes our journey takes us to places and experiences we never thought we would ready for, no matter what our age.

It’s easy for people to say at 37 I should be married with children. I’m not. I’m not even close. I’m not worried because I’m quite content with where I am in my life. If it happens, then wonderful, if not, then it wasn’t meant to be. I’ll just take the road and see where it takes me.

Nanna wasn’t going to let her age stop her from doing something she was once so passionate about. Maybe I was ageist because I wouldn’t take her. The pot calling the kettle black.
Tell me, have you let age hold you back? Does age define you?

Jen xoxo


  1. I enjoyed this post Jen - age is just a state of mind, after all! Thanks so much for linking up again this week!

    1. Thanks Kirsty. Even though I posted the wrong post! Now...that's embarrassing :)

  2. As someone who is in a long term relationship with someone who is 28 years their senior then I definitely think age is just a number.

    1. Definitely! Life is about having a great love rather than a long love.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. To an extent age kind of defines me. I have an age/time perception problem from a fetal alcohol/autism disorder. I'm 45, my mental age is mid teens to early 20's depending on environmental circumstances.

    1. Age is just a number. Most people's minds are younger than their body. Thanks for reading :)

  5. I love this. How awesome is your nanna! Happy birthday to her.
    I completely agree we shouldn't let age define us. I saw a quote the other day that said "how old would you be if you didn't know your age" this is so true. We shouldn't fall into the trap of some society lead idea of what we should be doing or feeling at a certain age, or let our age be an excuse! :)

    1. Nanna is pretty good. Her skin is amazing! I am hoping there are some genes which have been passed on to me :).
      Life's too short to let anything stop us, especially age. Oh..maybe yoga for Nanna :)

  6. My great grandmother made it to 104 and from 100 on the local school use to have excursion out to her nursing home to meet and greet the town's oldest resident. Most of the time the kids were rather disappointed. She was really young in spirit which meant she didn't look or act 100.

    Thanks for linking up at Ms Mystery Case for our Sharing is Caring Sunday. Looking forward to adding you to our 'worth casing' list!

    1. Wow...that's very impressive. Great genes in the family. I worked at a nursing home and we had a few centenarians there.
      Thanks for letting me be part of Sharing is Caring Sunday!

  7. 91 WOW. Happy Birthday to your Nan hun and you are so right - Age really is just a number. I am slowly learning this :) xx
