Monday, 11 March 2013

A Tweetastic Impression of 140 Seconds!

Let’s face it, first impressions count. It doesn’t matter what the occasion, the all important first impression is really critical. Whether you are meeting someone for the first time, presenting to a new client or in a job interview, these situations whilst send some of us into a nervous blubbering mess, are where we really need to impress. Sweaty palms aside, what you say, how you look and whether you turned up on time are a few of things which can leave a lasting impression.

As someone who works in HR and interviews for a living, I can tell you first impressions in a job interview are important to the product you are selling, yourself. So if you think it’s appropriate to chew gum, answer your phone or worse still, talk on your phone while the interview is in progress, it’s safe to say you will leave an impression, however it may not be the one you were hoping for.

Nowadays, impressions aren’t only face to face. Enter the era of social media. Through the realms of social space, first impressions are through words or pictures broadcast to our fellow facebook friends and twitter followers. On Facebook we find friends, like friends, like pages, and post on walls. On Twitter, we tweet away, retweet and hashtag trends all in 140 characters. It’s very simply, the world we live in. So when Pizza Hut combined a job interview with Twitter, I for one, thought it was genius!

So what is this genius? It’s a job interview where the candidates only have 140 seconds to sell themelves. It’s Tweetastic!  That’s right, Pizza Hut are after a Manager of Digital Media based out of Plano, Texas, and what better than to bring together the way we communicate on twitter today with a 140 second job interview. Since the job is all about social space, it’s quite a fitting approach for candidates to show their skills in a fun, concise way. This is all about first impressions, because 140 seconds is all you will have to make yours!

Oh....and what hashtag are Pizza Hut trending with this campaign #becauseimgreat   

So social media maestros, what would your 140 second spiel be to impress?  



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